STV for party candidate lists?

Wed Jul 22 18:15:10 PDT 1998

Since the number of possible party list candidates is very large (up to 150 if
a party were to win every seat and even more persons in the early rounds), it
is somewhat amazing that even Borda (with its well known defects) is being
used by D66 folks rather than than something like a limited Approval type vote
(vote for N individuals less than the maximum).

What is the average number of D66 candidates ranked by D66 voters using Borda
?  I find it hard to believe that an average voter would rank more than about
6 to 8 candidates.  

Quite a while ago I suggested having a voter vote for one candidate (which
could be modified to voting for C candidates) in one at large district
systems.   Each candidate could then transfer the (first round) votes that
he/she received to another candidate.  I suggest that any candidate get on the
first round (primary) election ballot by a  nominating petition.

First round (Party primary election)
C1        250
C2        225
C185       2

Total    3000

General Election
The party gets 14 seats in the general election.

3000/14 = 214.3
The 14 candidates in the first round who get the highest number of first
choice plus transferred votes would be elected.  A first round candidate who
gets more than the quota (214.3) could transfer his/her excess votes to
another candidate (such as C1 and C2 above).
In other words no Borda math to worry about.

STV could be used but I question whether or not enough first round voters
would make enough rankings.

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