Proposed SD Algorithm Defective

Norman Petry npetry at
Tue Aug 25 09:42:13 PDT 1998


You wrote:

>I think the best bet for an SD algorithm is
>    Eliminate everything not in the Simpson set
>    Break lowest defeat
>Until only one candidate is left

I'm not familiar with the Simpson Set.  Could you please post a definition?


Norm Petry

-----Original Message-----
From: Blake Cretney <bcretney at>
To: election-methods-list at <election-methods-list at>
Date: August 24, 1998 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: Proposed SD Algorithm Defective

>On Wed, 19 Aug 1998 00:15:48   Norman Petry wrote:
>>With a couple of slight changes, the algorithm idea I posted a few days
>>is _close_ to being an accurate implementation of SD.  Here's how the
>>should be listed:
>>1) Check for any unbeaten candidates.  If 1 or more, then quit.
>>2) Repeatedly eliminate beat-nothing candidates (E, then D in example).
>>3) Break the weakest defeat(s).  Goto  step 1.
>I think the best bet for an SD algorithm is
>    Eliminate everything not in the Simpson set
>    Break lowest defeat
>Until only one candidate is left
>If anyone wants pseudo-code for doing this (including the Simpson set
elimination step), I could provide it.
>I wouldn't describe this as simple, but it is possible, and it is more
important that a method be simple to describe than to impliment.
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