Tideman vs. Schulze

DEMOREP1 at aol.com DEMOREP1 at aol.com
Wed Aug 5 18:54:11 PDT 1998

Mr. Schulze wrote in part--
Condorcet explicitely wrote, that the weakest pairwise comparisons should be
eliminated successively. He didn't write, that the largest pairwise
comparisons should be locked successively.
D- I shall be a slight heretic and suggest that Condorcet should NOT have
suggested dropping any result, no matter how weak, such as 51 X > 49 Y.
Dropping majority results hardly makes a method credible with average voters.

I am not sure if Condorcet noted having a YES/NO vote on choices with only the
YES majority choices going head to head using the number rankings for
executive, judicial and issue elections.

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