Newbie on this list

Steve Eppley seppley at
Tue Jan 14 12:54:51 PST 1997

John De Lasaux wrote:
>Is there some Web Site where I could get the basics of the math
>under my belt? 

Mine will be under construction soon, I hope.

The list-owner of this maillist says the list is being archived.
Perhaps the archive would be useful.

Academics have been studying voting for a long long time.  The
discovery of Condorcet's Paradox in the 18th century by someone who
coincidentally had the name Condorcet was a major milestone, as was 
Ken Arrow's "Impossibility" Theorem.

You could try using a web search engine, but I don't know if it will
deliver any matches which describe the exact method (Smith-Condorcet) 
we in this list voted several months ago to recommend for public 

---Steve     (Steve Eppley    seppley at

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