POWER BALL - a multi state venture

donald at mich.com donald at mich.com
Mon Oct 28 02:28:20 PST 1996

Steve wrote on Sat 26 Oct 1996

Steve: >Have there been no multistate agreements without
>Congress' consent, like extradition procedures?  No regional
>agreements, like shared waste dumps?

Don: Consider multi state lotteries - Power Ball and Big Game to name two.
But I do not know if they needed approval from Congress.

>Perhaps the clause could be worded in a really clever way so it
>wouldn't literally be an agreement between states:
>1. Each reforming state would immediately electronically publish its
>voters' ballots (which would allow other states to do what they want
>with them).  This doesn't involve an agreement with other states.
>2. Each reforming state would include other states' ranked ballots
>in its own tally if they're available, except that ballots from
>states which decide to award their delegates to a candidate other
>than the combined winner would be deleted from the tally.  This is
>a splitting of legal hairs: it looks to my unschooled eye like no
>explicit agreement is being made between states, since each state
>would be acting independently(?) to tally whatever ballots and
>award delegates as it sees fit.

Don: I agree with you on this Steve - I feel the states should just do it
without permission and maybe the Court will decide not to hear the case if
there is a challenge to this action.


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