Lowest Majority loser tie breaker

DEMOREP1 at aol.com DEMOREP1 at aol.com
Sat Nov 2 19:24:48 PST 1996

Yet another Condorcet circular tie breaker for single (or multiple)
executive/judicial elections ----
1. The voters vote yes or no on each candidate and rank number each
2. The simple Condorcet method is applied to those candidates who get a
majority yes vote.
3. If there is a Condorcet circular tie, then the candidate who has the
lowest yes majority loses and the Condorcet method is redone. Such loser has
had his/her chance to win head to head. Repeat if necessary until the winner
remains (or winners remain). 

Item 3 is new. I repeat again the absolute necessity that the winner have
majority "positive" support. The main single winner competitors to Condorcet-
approval voting, top 2 in runoff, instant run-off  - each generally produce a
majority winner (which may be the wrong majority winner in a head to head
Condorcet test).

A Condorcet tie breaker winner using the least votes against in his/her worst
defeat will be absolutely blasted as being chosen by a minority (since such
winner would be opposed by one or more majorities). 

The crisis in U.S. politics (and in many other countries) is due to the lack
of guaranteed majority rule in all elections (legislative, executive and
judicial) due in great part to historical accidents in each country (along
with some deliberately adopted monarchial and/or oligarchial election
features in each country-- such as the infamous U.S. Electoral College for
electing the U.S. President).

The lesser of two (or more) evils situation is a manifestation of such lack
of majority rule. The next U.S. CRISIS is Nov. 5, 1996.

Could any of the 1996 U.S. President candidates on the Nov. 5, 1996 ballot
get a majority of yes votes ? I doubt it.

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