[EM] Finding SociallyBest. Is it impossible?

peter barath peb at freemail.hu
Tue Apr 17 08:41:18 PDT 2007

>This might be a stupid question but I was wondering if
>SociallyBest exists at all, and if some day it will be found.

I can think of only the Clarke-tax as the next best thing.
It is voting with money, and the good feature of it is
that sometimes you really have to pay that money, so
it motivates people to vote sincerely if they are
intelligent enough (which I'm not stating).

Every voter indicates for every candidate, how much
money that candidate worths for her/him over the worst
one. (Only the difference matters.) The candidate with
the most indicated money wins. Then for every voter we
count which candidate would have won if this vote had not
existed. If this hypothetic result equals the real one,
the voter don't have to pay anything.

But if the hypothetic result differs (they say "the
vote happens to be a pivotal vote") the voter must
pay to the treasury the minimal sum of money which
would have been enough to change the hypothetic
result into the real one.

(You can figure out that if we required the full money
difference which the voter indicated between the
hypothetic candidate and the real one, it would not
fully motivate the voters to be sincere.)

Peter Barath

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