[EM] PR in student government

raphfrk at netscape.net raphfrk at netscape.net
Tue Apr 17 01:36:41 PDT 2007

  James Gilmour jgilmour at globalnet.co.uk
 > raphfrk at netscape.net> Sent: 16 April 2007 20:08
 > > It might be easier to explain. The real problem with PR-STV is the
 > > fractional transfers. They are not very easy to explain.
 > Fractional transfers are absolutely essential for STV-PR (unless you
 > accept a small element of chance). Without the correct transfers of
 > surpluses you cannot get a proportional result. Some students' unions
 > in the UK use this corrupted version, but it cannot rightly be called
 > "STV-PR" because it distorts the proportionality expressed by the
 > voters.
 It seems to me that this method is pretty close to picking random votes
 for the surplus transfers. Once a candidate hits the quota, he stops
 getting any additional votes. In fact, random selection for surplus
 transfers might be an even easier way to explain it.
 If the votes were:
 60: A1>A2>A3>B1>B2
 40: B1>B2>A1>A2>A3
 and 3 seats to allocate, the counting would go something like
 quota = 100/4 = 25
 After approx 42 votes are counted, the count would be
 A1: 25
 A2: 0
 A3: 0
 B1: 17
 B2: 0
 A1 is deemed elected, the 60 group will not start been given to
 After approx another 20 votes, the totals will be
 A1: 25 (elected)
 A2: 12
 A3: 0
 B1: 25
 B2: 0
 B1 is elected
 B1 is deemed elected.
 After approx another 22 votes, the totals will be
 A1: 25 (elected)
 A2: 25 (elected)
 a3: 0
 B1: 25 (elected)
 B2: 9
 This gives the 2-1 split of the seats as required by the
 Droop quota.
 Interesting site
 "what if anyone could modify the laws"
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