[EM] a name for random ballot from P

Forest Simmons simmonfo at up.edu
Wed Mar 16 18:20:10 PST 2005

Before I read your post I proposed a Madison Avenue style name of 
"Majority Fair Chance."

It's not very scientific.  Perhaps, "Fair Chance Democratic Choice" would 
be better, though still not taxonomically descriptive.

I don't think it has quite enough randomness in it for the tough examples.

Here's how we might change it:

Use a random approval ballot order in place of the approval order.

[Thanks to you for that idea in your Chain Climbing post.]

Then when the pairwise defeat agrees with the random approval ballot 
order, instead of calling it a "strong defeat" call it a "confirmed 

>From there on everything else is the same; the set of candidates without 
confirmed defeats form a chain P whose pairwise order is the exact 
opposite of the random approval ballot order.

We choose from P either by (ordinary) random ballot or by (another) set of 
random approval ballots, how ever many it takes to determine a winner.


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