[EM] A Recursive Lottery Shell

Forest Simmons simmonfo at up.edu
Sat Mar 5 20:09:15 PST 2005

Given a set B of ballots and a way of constructing "lotteries" from ballot 
sets ...

Create a lottery L(B) and incorporate this lottery into the ballot set B 
to get a new ballot set B' that has this lottery L included as an 
artificial candidate in the appropriate rank or with the appropriate 
rating on each ballot.

Cross off of each ballot in B' all of those candidates that are beaten 
pairwise by L.

If L is the only remaining candidate, then use the lottery L to pick the 
winning option from the original candidates.

Else If all candidates beat the lottery, then elect the candidate that 
beats the lottery by the greatest margin.

Else If the number of remaining candidates is strictly between zero and 
the original number of candidates, then restrict the ballots of B to this 
remaining set and apply the method recursively to pick a winner.


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