[EM] Sincere methods

Juho Laatu juho4880 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Mar 23 07:42:03 PST 2005

Hello Eric,
I don't want to say that Concorcet methods would decrease sincerity. I'll explain my thinking briefly.
I think it would be good to define voting methods in two steps. First the best voting method for sincere votes. This is the target where we aim. But because people may vote strategically we maybe must defend against these strategies by using some other voting method. The second step thus is to define the best voting method when taking the problematic strategical voting cases into account. The second method obviously tries to approximate the first method.
I was thus asking what is your favourite first method.
Condorcet methods are good since they are relatively free of strategies and thereby encourage people to vote sincerely. I believe there are many factors why people tend to vote sincerely. They simply want to behave properly and not falsify the results, or they may not know about the strategies. If the strategical voting possibilities are so bad that they may really influence the end result of the election, also the "originally sincere voters" may decide to defend themselves against the "cheaters" and start voting strategically. The voting method should be sufficiently strategy resistant to stop this happening (and somewhat better too). In those circumstances we might have the luxury of large majority of people voting sincerely. Some people may of course always try some tricks, maybe efficient strategies or maybe just something stupid that doesn't help anyone. In the latter case the strategies may be considered just noise.
Best Regards,

Eric Gorr <eric at ericgorr.net> wrote:
Juho Laatu wrote:
> Hello All,
> In an earlier mail I brought up the question what would be the best 
> Condorcet completion method in the case that we would have the luxury of 
> sincere votes. 

Why do you believe sincere votes are a luxury with respect to a good 
condorcet completion method?

== Eric Gorr ========= http://www.ericgorr.net ========= ICQ:9293199 ==
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