[EM] RP & Schwartz set

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 12 16:03:33 PST 2002

Markus said:

Tideman cannot choose decisively a candidate who is not
in the Schwartz set.

I reply:

What I said was that Tideman can choose outside the initial
Schwartz set. The situations where it will do that require pair-ties,
and Tideman makes its choice outside the initial Schwartz set when
it solves a tie, where the Tideman procedure leaves 2 candidates

Markus continues:

Whether Tideman can choose randomly
a candidate who is not in the Schwartz set depends on
how you handle situations with defeats of equal strength.

I reply:

Actually no, my example in which Tideman chooses outside the initial
Schwartz set doesn't have any equal defeats.

Markus continues:

Actually, when all Schwartz winners are ranked ahead of
all other candidates in the TBRC, then Tideman never
chooses decisively or randomly a candidate who is not
in the Schwartz set.

I reply:

What you're saying is that it's possible to write a class of examples
in which Tideman won't choose outside of the initial Schwartz set.
That doesn't contradict my statement that Tideman can choose outside
the initial Schwartz set.

What's the TBRC? Transitive B_____ Ranking of Candidates? The
ordering of candidates that's consistent with the defeats kept by
the Tideman procedure?

Mike Ossipoff

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