Mikeo, man of many typos. List expulsion poll.

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 21 22:01:59 PST 2002

Don said:

Greetings list members,

Mike Ossipoff wrote:

In my most recent message, the following passage was accidentally
left in after it had been discovered to be incorrect:

"(In ordinary Approval, the fact that the Dems are more numerous than
the Nader people means that the Dem candidates will outscore them)."

Donald here: This may be a typo to the mindset of Mikeo, but
in reality it is not `incorrect'.

In the real world the Dem candidates will outscore the Nader people, even
in an Approval Voting election.

I reply:

Don didn't read the message that he was replying to. My posting
was about CS, a method in whichk, unlike in Approval, the Democrats
could sometimes gain by voting for the progressive candidate as well
as the Democrat.

I was talking about the scenario in which the Democrat voters voted
in that way, for Democrat and Nader, because it's sometimes a reasonable 
strategy for them in CS, because doing so can raise the Democrat's score 

So, if the Democrats voted for the progressive in addition to the
Democrat candidate, and if the progressives voted for the Democrat,
kn addition to the progressive candidate, then the Democrat would
_not_ outscore the progressive candidat, in Approval. They'd score
equally. (In my example, the Republicans voted for neither Dem nor

I didn't say that Democrats would vote for Nader in Approval. Actually,
Don, weren't you the one who's been repeatedly claiming that they
would? I recently posted a message in which I explained to you that
they wouldn't.

Don continued:

Mikeo and his cohorts refuse to accept the fact that many voters refuse to
make lower choices. Our Australian friend on this list has already told us
that in real IRV elections in his country, many voters refuse to make lower
choices. In spite of this truth, Mikeo keeps his blinders on and goes his
merry way believing that the foolish Dem voters are all going to march
lockstep and vote for Nader as their second choice.

I reply:

This is why I've sometimes used terms like "twit" or "fruitcake" when
referring to Don. As I said, Don was the one who kept expressing the
fear that the Dems would vote for Nader; and I recently posted a message
explaining to Don that that won't happen in Approval.

By the way, Craig is still saying that "favorite" is still undefined.
I could say that a candidate is the "favorite" of a voter if that
voter prefers that candidate to every other candidate. But then
Craig would ask the meanings of the words "candidate", "is" "the"
"of" "a" "voter", "if" "that", "prefers" and "other".

Craig objects that I didn't consider situations in which a voter prefers 2 
candidates to the others, but doesn't have a preference between those two. 
That's right, but so what? I was talking about situations in which certain 
voter has one favorite.

The relevant question here is: "Why are Craig and Don still allowed
to post to this list?"

I suggest taking a vote on that now. As much as I prefer polls in
which there are more than 2 alternatives, I propose two polls.
The members of EM don't own the list, and have no authority to deny
someone the right to post to the list, but I suggest these polls:

1. Yes or No on declaring a members' request that Craig Carey no longer
   be allowed to post to EM

2. Yes or No on declaring a members' request that Don Davison no
   longer be allowed to post to EM.

Since this is only a request or petition, Rob L. would be the judge
of whether denial of posting rights should require merely that
more people vote Yes than No, or whether it needs a majority of the
people who have posted during the past month, or something like that.

My vote:

1. Yes
2. Yes

Mike Ossipoff

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