Normative principles of elections- Condorcet and Irrelevance of Alternatives (plus a brief hello and an STV clarification)

Mike Ositoff ntk at
Wed Aug 26 12:19:06 PDT 1998

I'm always interested in suggestions about flaws, including this
one, but I have to admit that I've never known what "normative"
means. But as for principles that (almost) everyone can agree on,
we Condorcet advocates base our whole advocacy on such principles:

Majority rule
Getting rid of the lesser-of-2-evils problem (LO2E)
Avoiding the need for defensive strategy

(The last 2 are the same, really, and both are closely
related to the first)

It would be good to comply with IIAC (Irrelevant Alternatives Critrerion),
but it isn't possible, at least not without giving up other
more important properties.


Mike Ossipoff

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