Exaggerated opinions

New Democracy donald at mich.com
Thu Apr 23 05:08:41 PDT 1998

Dear Mike Sarri and David Marsay,

     I have some suggestions that will produce exaggerated opinions.

 One: Allow each voter one to ten votes per preference race. The voter is
allowed to assign any number of votes to each choice. The total of votes
cannot exceed ten. This will allow the voter to express an exaggerated
opinion for each choice.

Or, Two: Give each voter a maxinum of one hundred votes per election. The
voter is allowed to assign any number of votes to any race/choices and to
ballot proposals. Whatever is important to a voter, that is where the voter
is allowed to express his exaggerated opinion. (I will leave the details of
this suggestion for you two to work out.)


     ///                 N E W    D E M O C R A C Y                ///
     \\\ Home of Citizen's Democracy   http://www.mich.com/~donald \\\

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