Ideal voting methods

Mike Ossipoff dfb at
Wed Oct 2 08:41:15 PDT 1996

The successive elimination of candidates beaten by each one of the
remaining candidates doesn't necessarily carry out the job of the
Smith filter. Here's an example:

Say there are 2 cycles. Cycle 1: A beats B beats C beats A.
Cycle 2: D beats E beats F beats D. Say every member of cycle
1 beats every member of cycle 2. 

There's no candidate who's beaten by everyone else, and so no one
is eliminated by that rule. But the Smith filter eliminates
everyone in cycle 2.

But I agree that there's an issue about the best way to word the
Smith filter, in a public proposal. Lately I've been using 2 wordings,
one based on the "Smith set", and the other based on the 
"Smith criterion". 


But the important thing is the good news that now Condorcet's method
has an influential advocate in Australia.




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